Merciful 1
Merciful - Disc 1.iso
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3 What is masturbation?
Masturbation is the touching, fond-
ling, or playing with one's own geni-
tals. For children it is a way of
learning about one's body. It can also
be a way to give oneself pleasurable
3 Isn't masturbating wrong?
Doctors, psychologists, and educa-
ted parents know that masturbation is
normal and healthy. There are some par-
ents (and some religions) that think
masturbation is wrong.
3 Why do some people say that mastur-
bating is "dirty"?
It is wrong to masturbate in public
or with other people. It is a private
activity that people do to learn more
about how their body works or perhaps
just to make themselves feel good.
3 Is it possible to masturbate too
As long as it is not taking time
away from other things you should be
doing, it is probably not too much.
Remember though, masturbation is a pri-
vate activity, and it is important to
spend time socializing with your
friends and family.
3 Is it possible to masturbate so
much that your genitals will not work
properly, or that you will be unable to
have sexual intercourse?
From the time puberty begins, you
are constantly producing semen. You
will never "run out" (for more than a
few minutes or hours). It is not un-
usual for emotional problems to tem-
porarily prevent men from having erec-
tions and ejaculating.
3 Is it true that masturbating can
make hair grow on your hands?
No. There are several nasty rumors
about things that happen to people that
masturbate -- none of them is true.
3 Is it true that masturbating can
make you go blind?
No. There are several nasty rumors
about things that happen to people that
masturbate -- none of them is true.
3 Is it true that if you masturbate
you will get warts?
No. There are several nasty rumors
about things that happen to people that
masturbate -- none of them is true.
3 Do boys masturbate more than girls?
Probably. This may be because your
penis is so prominent (obvious). The
female genitals are much less so. There
may also be a double standard (what
some people consider OK for boys is not
always considered OK for girls).
3 Do grown-ups masturbate?
Absolutely, even most married peo-
ple masturbate sometimes.
3 What is a hymen?
The hymen is a thin membrane which
may cover or partially cover the
3 What is a virgin?
A virgin is a person who has never
had sexual intercourse. You do not lose
your virginity by masturbating.
3 I've heard that a "busted" hymen
meant that a girl was no longer a
virgin. Is that true?
No. The hymen may tear or "bust" in
ways other than intercourse (such as
horseback riding, gymnastics, or other
physical activities). However, the
woman would still be a virgin.
3 Is there any way to tell if a
person is a virgin?
No, there is no way to tell if a
person has had intercourse or not.
3 Is there any way to tell if a
person has been masturbating?
No, there is no way to tell if a
person masturbates or not.
3 What is an orgasm?
An orgasm is the sudden release of
sexual tension. It is a combination of
muscular and emotional release. This
occurs after a period of sexual arousal
or stimulation. In males it generally
coincides with ejaculation.
3 Is an ejaculation the same thing as
an orgasm?
No, not exactly, although the words
are sometimes used interchangeably. An
ejaculation is the sudden release of
semen through the urethral opening in
the penis. Women, therefore, do not
ejaculate. They can, however, have
3 How does a woman have an orgasm?
After sufficient sexual stimulation
(arousal), the woman's body needs to
release some of the emotional and mus-
cular tension that has built up. The
orgasm is this sudden physical and
emotional release.
3 Does a woman always know when she's
having an orgasm?
A woman's orgasm is not visible
like a man's ejaculation. It is a feel-
ing, both physical and emotional, that
most women are aware of when they ex-
perience it. Some women say they have
difficulty achieving an orgasm.
3 Do some people have trouble
achieving an orgasm?
Yes. Everybody requires his or her
own level of arousal or stimulation to
achieve an orgasm. If the woman (or
man) is not able to receive and feel
sufficient stimulation, she (he) will
not achieve an orgasm.
3 What is a frigid woman?
Frigid refers to someone who has
difficulty having orgasms. This usually
results from her not being adequately
stimulated or a feeling of discomfort
about sexual activity. A doctor, psy-
chologist, or therapist can often help.
3 Is a climax the same as an orgasm?
Yes, they both refer to the sudden
release of sexual tension. This is a
physical and emotional event. An ejacu-
lation is slightly different. It refers
to the sudden release of semen, and
therefore is unique to males.
3 Can a person have all the climaxes
he or she wants?
Men generally require a resting
(called refractory) period between or-
gasms. These can be minutes, hours, or
days. Women do not physically require
this "rest" period and may be able to
have repeated orgasms.
3 Can sterilized people have orgasms?
Very definitely. Men who have had
vasectomies have normal ejaculations
except that there is no sperm in their
semen. Women who have had tubal liga-
tions can experience sex in exactly the
same way as fertile women.
3 How can a sterilized woman have sex
the same as a fertile one?
The sterilization (tubal ligation)
consists of preventing the egg from
reaching the Fallopian tube where it
could get fertilized. The vaginal pas-
sage (which is involved in sexual in-
tercourse) is unaffected by this
3 How can a sterilized man have
normal sex?
The sterilization (vasectomy) con-
sists of cutting the vas deferens to
prevent the sperm from joining the
seminal fluid. There is no way of know-
ing that a man is sterile without exam-
ining his semen under a microscope.
3 Does intercourse result in pregnan-
cy only when the couple is planning to
have a baby?
No. Fertilization (or conception)
occurs when a sperm unites with an egg.
This can happen any time an egg is
ready, whether the couple wants to have
a baby or not. Birth control (or con-
traception) is used to decrease the
chances of having a baby.
3 How often is an egg ready?
Women normally produce one egg per
month. It is usually only able to be
fertilized for a day or two as it moves
from the ovary, through one of the two
Fallopian tubes, towards the uterus.
3 What happens if the egg gets
It travels into the uterus where it
will attach itself to the lining. This
provides a safe home for the next nine
months. The womb, as the uterus is also
called, is designed to protect and
nourish the infant.
3 What happens if the egg does not
get fertilized?
This is usually the case. (That is
why you see many more women who are not
pregnant than pregnant.) The unferti-
lized egg, along with the uterus
lining, becomes the monthly menses
(period) and is discharged through the
3 Can a woman increase her chances of
getting pregnant?
A woman can try to calculate when
her egg is ready and have intercourse
at that time. The potency of the man's
sperm is also important. There are some
drugs that may increase the chances of
3 Can a woman decrease her chances of
getting pregnant?
Very definitely. This is much more
common and is called birth control.
There are many types of contraceptives
that have been developed for this pur-
pose. Of course, not engaging in sexual
intercourse will assure that the women
does not get pregnant.
3 What is contraception?
There are many times that adults
wish to have intercourse without start-
ing a pregnancy. To reduce the chances
of pregnancy, they can use one of sev-
eral methods of contraception. This is
also called birth control or family
3 What are these contraceptive
The most common are the condom
(commonly called a "rubber"),
diaphragm, IUD, and the pill. There are
also "natural" methods and
sterilization operations.
3 What is meant by "natural" methods
of contraception?
Ones in which no "device" is used.
Women can try to predict when they are
fertile (have an egg) and then abstain
from (avoid) intercourse for several
days. This is not a very reliable way
of avoiding pregnancy.
3 Are the other methods more
For the most part, yes. Barrier
methods -- so called because they block
the sperm from reaching the egg --
include the condom (worn over the
penis) and diaphragm (worn by the
3 Is the pill a good form of
The pill is very reliable if taken
as directed (every day). It is not
meant to be taken after intercourse.
The pill changes the way the woman's
body produces hormones, so it is impor-
tant to see a doctor regularly.
3 How does an IUD work?
The IUD (intrauterine device) is
placed in the uterus by the gynecolo-
gist. It prevents eggs from remaining
on the uterine lining and developing
3 What are the sterilization
In males it is possible to cut the
vas deferens to prevent sperm from
leaving the body. This is called a
vasectomy. In women the Fallopian tubes
are cut or blocked to prevent any sperm
from reaching the eggs.
3 Are vasectomies and tubal ligations
reversible in case the man or woman
changes his/her mind?
Sometimes these operations are
reversible, but not always. These oper-
ations should be considered permanent
and are not recommended for young or
unmarried people.
3 Can men who have had vasectomies
continue to have sexual intercourse?
Absolutely. You would need a micro-
scope to determine that there were no
sperm in his semen. Everything else is
exactly the same as an unsterilized
3 Can a woman who has had a tubal
ligation have sexual intercourse?
Absolutely. In fact, many women
enjoy sexual intercourse more knowing
that they cannot get pregnant.
3 Is it true that you can't get preg-
nant the first time you have sexual
No!! If the male and female have
reached puberty a baby can be
conceived. Males tend to start produc-
ing sperm around age 10-15. Girls
usually start releasing eggs around age
9-15. Once this has started, inter-
course can result in pregnancy.
3 Can you have intercourse standing
up to make sure the female doesn't get
This is one of those myths or un-
true rumors. Intercourse without a pro-
per contraceptive device can lead to
pregnancy if both the male and female
are physically mature (producing sperm
and releasing eggs).
3 I've heard that some women douche
with a Cola to prevent pregnancy. Does
that work?
No -- Another one of those untrue
myths. There is no douche after inter-
course that can prevent pregnancy.
Douching with a cola serves no purpose
and may irritate the vagina.
3 Is there anything that can be done
after intercourse to eliminate the pos-
sibility of a pregnancy?
Obviously the best way to keep from
getting pregnant is not to engage in
sex. Since sex is a serious adult res-
ponsibility, not having sex before mar-
riage is recommended by many moral and
societal leaders. If adults do engage
in sex, all the effective contracep-
tives must be used before or during
intercourse to be effective. However,
even with the use of contraceptives,
there is always the chance that a woman
will get pregnant from sexual
3 Is there anything the man can do to
reduce the chance of getting a woman
Yes. The most common is the condom
or prophylactic (frequently called a
rubber). Men can also have an operation
called a vasectomy which prevents the
sperm from getting in the semen. This
operation is usually permanent. Please
remember that even with the use of con-
traceptives, there is always the chance
that a woman will get pregnant from
sexual intercourse.
3 What is a prophylactic?
A male contraceptive device. It is
also called a condom or rubber. The man
slips this elastic covering over his
penis to collect the semen, thus
preventing the sperm from entering the
woman's vaginal passage.
3 Do condoms come in different sizes?
No. Condoms are designed to stretch
over the erect penis. All erect penises
are close enough in size that one size
fits all.
3 Does a condom work well? Is it
Yes. The condom is not only good at
preventing pregnancy (if used correct-
ly), but it can reduce the chances of
getting or spreading venereal or sex-
ually transmitted diseases. However,
remember that even with the use of con-
doms, there is always the chance that a
woman will get pregnant from sexual
3 Can a couple plan a pregnancy?
Yes and no. They can try to calcu-
late which day (there is one each
month) the woman is most likely to be
releasing an egg. This is not always
easy to calculate. Also, the male's
sperm must be capable of fertilizing
the egg.
3 What is VD, STD, and AIDS?
Venereal disease, sexually transmitted
disease and Acquired Immune Deficiency
Syndrome. These are infections that are
usually (but not always) spread by sex-
ual contact. The most well-known are:
gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes, and AIDS.
3 Is it true that you can get STD
from a dirty toilet seat?
It is remotely possible, but highly
unlikely. The viruses need a host per-
son in order to survive and would not
be able to live very long on a toilet
seat. AIDS can not be acquired from a
toilet seat.
3 Is it possible to get STD without
having intercourse?
Yes! Some of the STDs (herpes, for
example) require direct contact with
the sore. Therefore, you can get it by
touching or kissing someone who is in-
fected. AIDS is transmitted by intimate
sexual contact, but this may not always
be sexual intercourse. Kissing of the
genitals (for instance) could transmit
3 Are STDs dangerous?
Yes. They all require medical at-
tention. AIDS is, and syphilis can be,
fatal. Herpes is more of an inconven-
ience than a serious medical problem
but it is contagious.
AIDS is one of the most serious
diseases that a person can get. At
present, there is no cure for AIDS. It
usually means that the person who has
it will die within a short time of get-
ting the disease. Since AIDS is spread
by intimate sexual contact, it is very
important for people not to have sex
with individuals they do not know very
very well. It is also important to have
sex with as few people as possible. The
best way to avoid getting AIDS -- and
probably dying -- is to not have sex
until you are married.
3 How do you know if you have a
venereal disease?
Each disease has its own set of
symptoms. Some are obvious, like sores
on the genitals or genital discharges.
Others are very difficult to detect. If
a person feels he might have such a
disease, the best thing to do is to
consult a doctor immediately.